Consisting of:
5 Stenter Frames
2 KOYOTO STENTER Machines - year 1997
1 Hi-Echo 11 Tung Yang Hi - year 2010
UKIL Sectional Warper 260 cm
Year 2010
Reed Chatwood Pattern Truck
Weaving Greige Inspection Frame
Working width 235 cm
3 Elstraight weft straighteners
Year: 2003, 2010, 2013
Working width 210 & 220 cm.
8 Kuang Sheering Machines
Working width 210cm
10 Chien Lun Nappers / Raising Machines
Working width of feed roller 200cm
Wire roller actual width 199cm.
Hanayama Kogyo , Washing and Continuous Scouring Range
Year 1997
Maximum fabric working width 200 cm
Yuri Calender
Year 1997
Maximum fabric working width 1.8 meters
5 Kitamura Inspection Machines
Taking fabric from large rolls on A-frame
Biancalani Tumbler Softener for knitted fabrics
Year 2003
Stork Rotary Printer
Model Pegasus 1620 made in Holland
Year 2002
6 Printing heads
1650mm blanket width
1620mm print width
Vertical fabric accumulator
Bow weft straighter
Metal sweeper detector
With convex stretch platform on entry
Including 4 zone or chambers drier
Heated with propane or natural gas
1 - Hanayama Kogyo
Year 2004
1800 mm working width
1- Dong Won Roll
Max Working width 166 cm
Atlas Copco Air Compressor
Type ZR90
Mfg. date 2021
Water cooled
128 HP , operating 131 PSI
Number of run hours 41,988
460 volts 60hz. 3/phase
Atlas Copco Air Compressor
Type ZR90
Mfg. date 2010
Water cooled
128 HP , operating at 131 PSI
Number of run hours 41,652
460 volts 60hz 3/phase
Atlas Copco Air Compressor
Type ZR90
Mfg. date 2010
Water cooled
128 HP , operating 131 PSI
Number of run hours 45,396
460 volts 60hz 3/phase
Atlas Copco Air Dryer
Type FD 610W FS
Mfg. date 2010
460 voltage 60hz 3/phase
Atlas Copco Air Dryer
Type FD 610W FS
Mfg. date 2010
460 voltage 60hz 3/phase
Ingersoll Rand Air Compressor
Model SSR- EP10
Date 1998
10 HP
Operating pressure125psi
460 voltage
Ingersoll Rand Air Dryer
Model DXR 200
Date 1998
460 voltage 60 hz 3/phase
Ingersoll Rand Air Compressor
Model 2475NZ.5
Date 1998
10 HP. Operating pressure 125 psi
Ingersoll Rand Air Compressor
Model SSR-EP50SE
Date 1998
50 HP operating pressure 128 psi
2 Cleaver Brooks CB Packaged Boiler
Model CBI-400-250-150
Date 1997
250 HP
Max Pressure 150 ST PSI
460 voltage 60 hz 3 phase
Input 10,205,800 BTU/Hr with Nat Gas
2 Cleaver Brooks CB Packaged Boiler
Model CBI-400-250-150.
Date 1997
250 HP
Max pressure 150 ST psi
460 voltage 60 hz 3 phase
input 10,205,800 BTU/ Hr with Nat Gas
Atlas Air Compressor
Type GA 75
Date 2010
100 HP , working pressure 124 psi
460 voltage 60hz. 3/phase
6 nos. Gaston County Long Tube Jet Dye Machine
Model Futura
Year - 2003 - 2 machines
Year - 2002 - 2 machines
Year - 1995 - 1 machine
Year - 1993 - 1 machine
2 Tubes or port
Avg. Capacity 250 kgs / Tube
Tube Length 32 feet
With Shell & Tube Type Heat Exchanger in
Complete With All Necessary Pumps And Valves
53 psi at 300ºF (149ºC)
Spray System for Distribution of Dye Liquor
Lifter Reel with near tension-less delivery of fabric to jet
Up to 600 Rpm feed
Doffing Reel with ¾ hp motor
1 no. Gaston County Sample Jet Dye Tube
Model - Futura
Year - 1997
Single Port or Tube
7 feet long tube
1 no. Gaston County Sample Auto clave
Year 2002
16 inch diameter
Year 1997
model CUT-SX-2L,
2 tubes,
capacity 150 kgs,
total length 30 feet
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